A new self-help approach, sure to help you get ahead at work, maintain order at home and just generally rule your world. It's "The One-minute Asshole." Four times day, unload on anyone in your vicinity -- coworkers, supervisor, spouse, kids, fellow motorists. Just 60 seconds each time, then stop abruptly and act like nothing happened. Notice the looks of wariness, respect, even fear you command. Oh, it's time, here it comes: "Listen, you dumb jackwagons, get the hell off of Facebook and do something constructive with your lives! You people make me sick! Bunch of lazy, good-for-nothing, lurking social media addicts, your asses getting fatter, skin getting paler, brain cells dying, the longer you sit there and watch kitty videos and play Farmville, whine about the weather, post baby pictures and share stupid quotes and alleged witticisms ..." Oh, minute's up. Sorry 'bout that, all, but God, I feel good!
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