Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tweeting the GOP debate

I live-tweeted, from @danmoser1961, the GOP debate from the Ronald Reagan Library. Thought I'd compile them here.

-- Love that grimace Romney gets when he looks around & wonders how the hell he ended up on same stage as these people.

-- I think Brian Williams spoke for Americans of all political beliefs when he asked Newt, "WTF, you're still here?"

-- I think I'm likin' that Perry fella cuz of the way he's droppin' the g's from his gerunds, not like them elites in Warshington.

-- Can't believe Cain went through the whole debate without someone pointing out the pizza sauce on his tie.

-- Eew. Brian Williams just asked Santorum to wipe that frothy liquid off his microphone.

-- Oh, God, Newt just dragged Reagan's corpse out onto the stage and propped it up next to his podium.

-- Really, Romney? A 59-point jobs plan? You couldn’t round it up with one more? Oh, wait, your 60th is: Hire me.

-- Ron Paul just promised to eliminate the presidency if elected. Hmm.

-- That Huntsman seems like a reasonable enough guy. Maybe he ended up in the wrong room..

-- So help me God, if Perry refers to the Reagan “libary” one more time tonight, I’m gonna go Elvis on my TV screen.

-- I thought Romney was gonna get booed outta the building when he said, “Democrats are people, too.”

-- Bachmann doubles down on earlier promise of $2 gas by promising return of penny candy, 5 cent cigars and $1 movie matinees.

-- Her economic program slogan may need work, though: "Elect me, and I'll job America."

-- Gotta say, Perry made helluva entrance, soot on his face, smoke wafting off him as he tossed his fire helmet into adoring crowd

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