Saturday, March 31, 2012
Um, Amen.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Considering how gaffe-prone Romney has been trying to shake his filthy-rich 1 percenter image, you just watch: He’s probably about to win the MegaMillions, the poor bastard.
Ah, the college newspaper April Fool’s edition, that annual reminder that satire, like heart surgery, is best left to the professionals.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Inside this fat body is a skinny man yearning to be set free. Maybe two.
Got updated to the new e-mail system at work this morning. But I see it still doesn’t have the one feature for which I've lobbied: a setting to automatically set on fire the fingertips of certain, designated colleagues when they start typing a message to me.
Dan Brown, call your agent. Art historians and theologians, still studying da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” for hidden messages, have discovered a heretofore unnoticed detail: A bowl at the corner of the table, full of brightly colored objects. Careful enlargement of the detail reveals the astonishing truth: Yes, they’re marshmallow peeps. This. changes. everything. #AmazingifTrueLentTrivia
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
BREAKING NEWS: At this hour, postal carriers are rolling into the U.S. Supreme Court chambers barrels of crayon-written letters from children making heart-tugging, yet remarkably constitutionally convincing, arguments for upholding the individual health-insurance mandate. Even Scalia and Thomas have tears in their eyes. An immediate 9-0 vote in favor of Obamacare! And the solicitor general gets the girl, too!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
What about Bob?
On primary day May 15, I will do my duty as a Republican in Nebraska – following the sacred oath I took years ago when I switched my party affiliation -- by voting against Don Stenberg early and as often as polling workers will let me do so. I imagine I’ll write in Doug Bereuter’s name, or maybe Nobby Tiemann’s, as I can’t abide any of the other candidates either.
I mean, we get it, gang: You’re conservatives. Even Bruning, who apparently had pinko tendencies in college but wisely realized when he began plotting his path to the U.S. Senate -- and beyond? -- that being a liberal was no way to get anywhere in Nebraska politics. But rest assured, Bruning’s political ambitions are such that if he were plying his trade in more liberal environs, he’d be running on a man-furniture marriage plank and comparing welfare recipients to adorable kittens.
Of course, Bruning is in Washington, D.C., this week, providing updates on the Obamacare hearing before the Supreme Court. No doubt we can look forward to plenty of television ads this fall showing our intrepid attorney general standing resolutely on the steps of the Supreme Court, Lady Justice gazing on him beatifically, as he strikes a steely-eyed expression and swears to protect the nation against mandates of all sorts, if you know what I mean. (And if you don't: "mandate,”, look it up.)
Meantime, let’s hope the GOP leadership is ready to get over its thoroughly asinine challenge of Bob Kerrey’s bona fides as a Nebraskan. Look, the taint on Kerrey from 12 years in New York is a legitimate issue, but how about a little deftness and humor, rather than legalistic whining?
Three ideas, off the top of my head:
- Have New York style pizza, pastrami and bagels with lox delivered to Kerrey campaign events.
- Counter Kerrey’s quite nicely done “Welcome home, Bob,” ad campaign with some parodies reintroducing him to the finer points of the state: “Yes, welcome home, Bob. It's been awhile. This is a cow. And here, a football. Over there, a pickup truck.” Each ad would end with a ripoff from those Pace salsa ads: “A Nebraska senator from New York City." “New York City!?”
- Remember the old McGruff safe house campaign? How about encouraging voters to put posters in their windows emblazoned with Cosmic Bob’s picture and the message: “This is a Kerrey safe house. Since he doesn’t actually live in Nebraska anymore, we pledge to offer him space in our guest room or on our sofa bed.”
You get the idea.
For the record, if I were still a Democrat, I’d probably write in someone else's name on the primary ballot. Maybe that Chuck Hassebrook guy; he seems like he’d be a good senator, dontcha think?
Monday, March 26, 2012
When life gives you a tall, frosted glass of ice and a straw, go find the guy who got lemons.
It turns out that some of those spots where there's only one set of footprints in the sand, I was carrying God. Yeah, He's terrified of crabs. Go figure.
In one for the medical journals, doctors reveal that Cheney ordered them to remove one lung, his spleen, appendix and tonsils and install four backup hearts in those spots. Reportedly, there's even a fifth in an undisclosed location in his body (rumor has it, they took out several feet of intestine to make room; you folks at home, make up your own joke). Now, they'll be able to open Cheney back up and just move around the tubing in the unlikely event he develops a bleeding heart. (Ba-da-bomp.)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
"Ding, dong, Avox calling." Oops, I mean "ngn, nng, ngnnggnn nmgin." #BoomHungerGamesJokes
Friday, March 23, 2012
In a dark hotel room somewhere on the campaign trail this afternoon, Mitt Romney, fortified with a half-can of caffeine-free Diet Coke liquid courage, lines up 20 Etch-a-Sketches, takes out the gun he used to hunt varmints with and goes Elvis on every last one of ‘em.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Yes, of course I've taught my daughters to pierce a man’s heart from 250 yards with a bow and arrow. What father hasn’t? But I prefer they slice him open from stem to stern with a shiv -- the better to see the agony in his eyes as his life drains away and he realizes that getting in their way was the worst, and last, mistake they ever made. #BringOnTheHungerGames
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
And to think there are people who are tired of the GOP race. Not me, man.